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SmartFit Weight Management Program Available in Birmingham

Are you tired of trying all the fad diets and catchy cardio plans in an attempt to lose weight? It may be time to get smart about successful weight loss!

The SmartFit weight management program is a medical program that provides incredible lasting results. By partnering with a trained medical professional, you can create an individualized plan specific to your needs.

There are many weight loss programs available, but SmartFit is the best for sustainable weight loss, making it one of the best weight Loss programs. This medically-managed weight loss program offers numerous benefits over traditional replacement foods or points-based systems. Your doctor evaluates your medical history and lab results to formulate a plan that unlocks your true weight-loss potential.

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Our Medical Approach to Lose Weight in Birmingham

SmartFit’s program is based on bariatric principles that combine individualized nutritional plans with a formulated supplement system. Your personalized weight-loss plan is designed to keep you free from hunger by including the perfect combination of balanced nutrition, medical supervision, supplements and injections, and FDA-approved medication (if recommended).

This medically-managed weight loss program offers numerous benefits over traditional replacement foods or points-based programs, including:

Reasons to lose weight

SmartFit Weight Loss is a new weight loss program that offers a variety of health benefits for those looking to lose weight. This program is designed to help people lose weight safely and effectively, and it has a number of features that make it unique.

  • Break Unhealthy Eating Habits
  • Develop A Healthy Eating Pattern
  • Discover A Healthy Diet Plan
  • Reduce High Blood Pressure
  • Reduce The Chance Of Heart Disease
  • Have More Energy For Physical Activity
  • Help Other Health Conditions And Medical Conditions

John C. Foster, M.D.

William M Johnson, III M.D.

Meet Our Physicians

“Since 2009, we have been honored to help people lose weight, feel better, and become healthier. If you have ever struggled with being overweight and would like to lose weight, we would be more than happy to help you achieve your goals.”
– Dr. Foster & Dr. Johnson

The SmartFit team of physicians, Dr. Johnson & Dr. Foster, and supportive medical professionals have helped tens of thousands of patients reach their weight-loss goals. Our SmartFit team is an educational resource and source of encouragement throughout your weight loss journey!

Learn More About SmartFit Weight Loss Program Available in the Greater Birmingham Area

Frequently Asked Questions

One essential difference is that our program is physician-supervised. Our trained and experienced doctors formulate your weight loss program while considering your total health. Additionally, the SmartFit weight management program provides a comprehensive and sustainable approach to weight loss, providing lasting results and strategies for our patients.

While results can vary based on an individual’s health background, most of our patients see weight loss results in their first two weeks of the program.

We strongly encourage SmartFit patients to schedule a check-in weekly. However, we understand that our patients have busy schedules, so we work with you to find the best cadence for you.

During your initial appointment, our doctor will go over what the health assessment covers in detail. Generally, the health assessment includes testing on your blood pressure, cholesterol, thyroid, liver, and kidneys. We do our best to find any potential health problems causing weight gain so we can address those issues in your weight loss plan.

How Does Our Weight Loss Clinic's SmartFit Program Compare to the Most Successful Weight Loss Programs?

Mediterranean diet, meal planning, lower calorie intake, and intermittent fasting are all popular strategies for weight loss that you’ve likely come across when searching on the internet. What separates SmartFit from common weight loss strategies is that our team, consisting of physicians and registered dietitians, will supervise your weight loss journey. This supervision turns SmartFit from a weight life plan to a lifestyle change, ensuring it’s one of Alabama’s best-rated weight loss programs.

The supervision aspect is critical, as trying to lose weight on your own through internet recommendations commonly leads to eating disorders and worsening overall health. It’s not just about how much you’re eating, but also that you’re eating the right food groups and nutrients. It’s about replacing fats with added sugars to healthy fats and adding the right dietary supplements to improve your overall health. Your goal with SmartFit isn’t simply losing body weight and tracking your pounds per week but living a healthier lifestyle.

Call Now For A Free Consultation

If you’re interested in participating in our SmartFit program, we always start with a free phone consultation. Contact us today to get started achieving your goals!

Call Today: 205-271-3166

Schedule Your Consultation

We’re honored you have chosen our practice, and we look forward to providing you with comprehensive and compassionate medical care!

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